How to Submit a Form by Ferrum::Browser Without Using JavaScript
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How to Submit a Form by Ferrum::Browser Without Using JavaScript

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Are you tired of relying on JavaScript to submit forms with Ferrum::Browser? Do you want to take control of the submission process and ensure it’s done efficiently? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to submit a form using Ferrum::Browser without using JavaScript. Yes, you read that right – no JavaScript required!

What is Ferrum::Browser?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly cover what Ferrum::Browser is. Ferrum::Browser is a Ruby gem that allows you to automate web browsing using a headless Chrome browser. It’s perfect for tasks like web scraping, automating workflows, and, of course, submitting forms!

Why Avoid JavaScript?

JavaScript is an essential part of modern web development, but it can also be a hindrance when working with Ferrum::Browser. Here are a few reasons why you might want to avoid using JavaScript for form submission:

  • Performance: JavaScript can slow down your automation process, especially when dealing with complex forms. By avoiding JavaScript, you can keep your automation fast and efficient.
  • Reliability: JavaScript can be unpredictable, and errors can occur when executing scripts. By using a JavaScript-free approach, you can ensure a more reliable automation process.
  • Security: JavaScript can be a security risk, especially when dealing with sensitive data. By avoiding JavaScript, you can minimize the risk of exposing sensitive information.

Preparation is Key

Before we start, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Ruby (version 2.6 or higher)
  • Ferrum::Browser gem (version 0.11 or higher)
  • A code editor or IDE of your choice

Also, make sure you have a basic understanding of Ruby and Ferrum::Browser. If you’re new to Ferrum::Browser, we recommend checking out the official documentation before proceeding.

The Solution: Using Ferrum::Browser’s `fill` and `click` Methods

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the solution. Ferrum::Browser provides two essential methods for filling and submitting forms: `fill` and `click`. We’ll use these methods to submit a form without relying on JavaScript.

Step 1: Navigate to the Form Page

First, navigate to the page containing the form you want to submit. You can do this using Ferrum::Browser’s `goto` method:

require 'ferrum'

browser =
browser.goto ''

Step 2: Fill in the Form Fields

Next, use the `fill` method to fill in the form fields. For example, let’s say we have a form with two fields: `name` and `email`:

browser.fill 'input[name="name"]', 'John Doe'
browser.fill 'input[name="email"]', '[email protected]'

Make sure to replace the `input[name=”name”]` and `input[name=”email”]` with the actual CSS selectors for your form fields.

Step 3: Click the Submit Button

Now that we’ve filled in the form fields, it’s time to submit the form. Use the `click` method to click the submit button: 'input[type="submit"]'

Again, make sure to replace `input[type=”submit”]` with the actual CSS selector for your submit button.

Putting it All Together

Here’s the complete code:

require 'ferrum'

browser =
browser.goto ''

browser.fill 'input[name="name"]', 'John Doe'
browser.fill 'input[name="email"]', '[email protected]' 'input[type="submit"]'


Save this code to a file (e.g., `submit_form.rb`) and run it using Ruby (e.g., `ruby submit_form.rb`). Ferrum::Browser will navigate to the form page, fill in the fields, and submit the form – all without using JavaScript!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While the above code should work, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue Solution
Form fields not being filled Check the CSS selectors for the form fields and ensure they’re correct. You can use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the elements and get the correct selectors.
Submit button not being clicked Verify that the submit button is actually clickable. Some forms might use JavaScript to enable the submit button, which would prevent Ferrum::Browser from clicking it. In such cases, you might need to use a different approach, like using `execute` method to execute JavaScript code.
Form submission not working Check the form’s HTML structure and ensure that the form fields are correctly nested within the `form` element. Also, verify that the submit button is within the same form element.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully submitted a form using Ferrum::Browser without relying on JavaScript. By using the `fill` and `click` methods, you can automate form submission with ease and efficiency.

Remember to adapt this approach to your specific use case and troubleshoot any issues that might arise. Happy automating!

Keywords: Ferrum::Browser, submit form, JavaScript-free, Ruby, automation, web scraping, headless browser.

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the secret to submitting forms without using JavaScript with Ferrum::Browser? Look no further! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

How do I enable Ferrum::Browser to submit forms without JavaScript?

To enable Ferrum::Browser to submit forms without JavaScript, you need to set the `javascript_enabled` option to `false` when initializing the browser. For example: ` false)`. This will allow the browser to submit forms using the HTTP protocol instead of relying on JavaScript.

What is the default HTTP method used for form submission in Ferrum::Browser?

The default HTTP method used for form submission in Ferrum::Browser is POST. However, you can specify a different method by setting the `method` attribute on the form element. For example: `

` will submit the form using the GET method.

How do I handle form validation errors when submitting forms without JavaScript?

When submitting forms without JavaScript, Ferrum::Browser will not perform client-side validation. Instead, you can use server-side validation to handle form validation errors. You can check the response status code and content to determine if the form submission was successful or not. For example, you can check if the response status code is 200 OK or 400 Bad Request.

Can I use Ferrum::Browser to submit forms with file uploads without JavaScript?

Yes, Ferrum::Browser supports submitting forms with file uploads without JavaScript. You can use the `set_file-detector` method to specify the file detector and then submit the form as usual. For example: `browser.set_file-detector(‘file’, ‘/path/to/file.txt’)` and then `browser.form.submit`.

What are some common use cases for submitting forms without JavaScript using Ferrum::Browser?

Some common use cases for submitting forms without JavaScript using Ferrum::Browser include automated testing, web scraping, and crawling. It’s also useful when working with legacy systems that don’t support JavaScript or when you need to simulate a browser-like experience without relying on client-side scripting.

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