Unlocking the Secrets of Parameterised Derived Types: Understanding Len and Kind Parameters
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Unlocking the Secrets of Parameterised Derived Types: Understanding Len and Kind Parameters

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As programmers, we’re no strangers to the world of derived types. But when we dive into the realm of parameterised derived types, things can get a bit murky. Specifically, the len and kind parameters can be a source of confusion for many. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to embark on a journey to demystify these enigmatic parameters and unlock the full potential of parameterised derived types.

What are Parameterised Derived Types?

Before we dive into the len and kind parameters, let’s take a step back and revisit the concept of parameterised derived types. In essence, a parameterised derived type is a way to create a new data type that’s based on an existing type, but with additional parameters that allow for greater flexibility and customisation.

Think of it like a blueprint for creating new types. You specify the existing type you want to build upon, and then add your own twists and tweaks to create something entirely new. This approach enables you to create complex data structures that cater to specific needs, making your code more efficient, and your life as a programmer, easier.

What are Len and Kind Parameters?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of parameterised derived types, let’s focus on the len and kind parameters. These two parameters are crucial components of a parameterised derived type, and understanding their roles is essential for harnessing their power.

Len Parameter: The Length of the Derived Type

The len parameter, short for “length,” refers to the number of elements in the derived type. In other words, it specifies the size of the array or structure that’s being created. When you define a parameterised derived type, you can specify the len parameter to dictate the number of elements in the resulting type.

TYPE :: vec_type(len)
  REAL :: data(len)
END TYPE vec_type

In the example above, we’ve defined a parameterised derived type called `vec_type` that takes a single parameter `len`. The `data` component is an array of reals with a length specified by the `len` parameter. This means that when we create an instance of `vec_type`, we can specify the length of the array, like so:

TYPE(vec_type(5)) :: my_vector

In this case, `my_vector` would be an instance of `vec_type` with an array of 5 reals.

Kind Parameter: The Data Type of the Derived Type

The kind parameter, on the other hand, refers to the data type of the elements in the derived type. In other words, it specifies the type of data that’s stored in the array or structure. When you define a parameterised derived type, you can specify the kind parameter to dictate the data type of the elements.

TYPE :: matrix_type(kind, len)
  REAL(kind) :: data(len, len)
END TYPE matrix_type

In the example above, we’ve defined a parameterised derived type called `matrix_type` that takes two parameters: `kind` and `len`. The `data` component is a 2D array of reals with a kind specified by the `kind` parameter and a length specified by the `len` parameter. This means that when we create an instance of `matrix_type`, we can specify both the kind and length of the array, like so:

TYPE(matrix_type(8, 5)) :: my_matrix

In this case, `my_matrix` would be an instance of `matrix_type` with a 2D array of reals with a kind of 8 (i.e., double precision) and a length of 5.

Using Len and Kind Parameters in Practice

Now that we’ve covered the basics of len and kind parameters, let’s explore some practical examples of how to use them in your code.

Example 1: Creating a Vector Type with a Variable Length

Suppose we want to create a vector type that can store a variable number of elements. We can define a parameterised derived type with a len parameter, like so:

TYPE :: vector_type(len)
  REAL :: data(len)
END TYPE vector_type

We can then create instances of `vector_type` with different lengths, like so:

TYPE(vector_type(3)) :: my_vector1
TYPE(vector_type(5)) :: my_vector2

In this case, `my_vector1` would be an instance of `vector_type` with an array of 3 reals, while `my_vector2` would be an instance of `vector_type` with an array of 5 reals.

Example 2: Creating a Matrix Type with a Variable Data Type

Suppose we want to create a matrix type that can store different types of data, such as singles, doubles, or integers. We can define a parameterised derived type with a kind parameter, like so:

TYPE :: matrix_type(kind, len)
  REAL(kind) :: data(len, len)
END TYPE matrix_type

We can then create instances of `matrix_type` with different kinds and lengths, like so:

TYPE(matrix_type(4, 3)) :: my_matrix1
TYPE(matrix_type(8, 5)) :: my_matrix2

In this case, `my_matrix1` would be an instance of `matrix_type` with a 2D array of singles (i.e., kind 4) and a length of 3, while `my_matrix2` would be an instance of `matrix_type` with a 2D array of doubles (i.e., kind 8) and a length of 5.

Best Practices for Using Len and Kind Parameters

When working with len and kind parameters, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your code is efficient, readable, and maintainable.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful parameter names**: Choose parameter names that reflect their purpose, such as `len` for length and `kind` for data type.
  • Document your parameters**: Use comments to explain the purpose and constraints of each parameter, making it easier for others to understand your code.
  • Use constraints wisely**: Specify constraints for your parameters to ensure they’re used correctly and to prevent errors.
  • Test your code thoroughly**: Verify that your code works as expected with different parameter values and combinations.


In conclusion, len and kind parameters are powerful tools in the world of parameterised derived types. By understanding their roles and how to use them effectively, you can create flexible and customisable data structures that cater to specific needs. Remember to follow best practices and test your code thoroughly to ensure your parameterised derived types are efficient, readable, and maintainable.

With this newfound knowledge, you’re ready to unlock the full potential of parameterised derived types and take your programming skills to the next level. Happy coding!

Parameter Description
Len The length of the derived type, specifying the number of elements in the array or structure.
Kind The data type of the elements in the derived type, specifying the type of data stored in the array or structure.
  1. Fortran 90: A Brief Introduction
  2. Fortran – Wikipedia
  3. Oracle: Parameterized Derived Types

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of parameterised derived types and unravel the mysteries of len and kind parameters!

What are len and kind parameters in a parameterised derived type?

Len and kind are two fundamental parameters in a parameterised derived type. Len represents the length of an array or a character string, while kind specifies the type of data stored in a variable, such as integer, real, or complex. Think of them as the dynamic duo that helps Fortran compilers understand the structure and behaviour of your derived types!

Why are len and kind parameters necessary in a parameterised derived type?

These parameters are essential because they allow the derived type to be flexible and adaptive. By specifying the length and kind of data, you can create derived types that can store varying amounts and types of data, making your code more efficient and reusable. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for your data structures!

How do I declare len and kind parameters in a parameterised derived type?

To declare len and kind parameters, you use the `len` and `kind` keywords followed by the parameter name and the colon symbol (:). For example: `TYPE :: my_type(len, kind)`. Then, you can specify the length and kind values when you declare a variable of that type. It’s like setting the dials on a precision instrument!

Can I use len and kind parameters with other derived types?

Yes, you can! Len and kind parameters can be used with other derived types, such as structures, unions, and classes. This allows you to create complex data structures that can adapt to different scenarios. It’s like building with LEGO blocks – the possibilities are endless!

What are some common use cases for len and kind parameters in a parameterised derived type?

Len and kind parameters are commonly used in scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning applications where data structures need to be flexible and efficient. They’re also useful in database applications, data compression, and encryption. Think of them as the secret ingredients that make your code more powerful and versatile!

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