Unlocking the Secret to Full Height Tables in MPDF (Laravel-MPDF)
Image by Stanze - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret to Full Height Tables in MPDF (Laravel-MPDF)

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Are you tired of struggling with table heights in your PDF reports using Laravel-MPDF? Well, buckle up, friend, because today we’re about to dive into the world of full-height tables and master the art of making them work seamlessly in your PDFs!

The Problem: Tables That Refuse to Expand

We’ve all been there – you create a table in your PDF report, but no matter how hard you try, it just refuses to take up the full height of the page. You’ve tried setting the height attribute, tweaking the cell padding, and even resorting to hacking together CSS styles, but nothing seems to work. It’s frustrating, to say the least.

But fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to explore the solution to this age-old problem. By the end of this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating tables that span the full height of your PDF pages with ease.

Understanding MPDF and Table Layout

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how MPDF handles table layout. MPDF is a PHP library that converts HTML to PDF, and it uses a combination of HTML, CSS, and its own proprietary syntax to create layouts.

When it comes to tables, MPDF uses a fixed layout mode, which means that the table is laid out based on the content of the cells. This can lead to issues when trying to make tables take up the full height of a page, as the table will only expand to the height of its content.

The Solution: Using MPDF’s Internal Table Layout

So, how do we overcome this limitation? The answer lies in using MPDF’s internal table layout features. By setting the `valign` attribute to `stretch` on the table, we can tell MPDF to stretch the table to the full height of the page.

<table valign="stretch">
        <td>Cell content</td>

But that’s not all – we also need to set the `height` attribute on the table to `100%`, like so:

<table valign="stretch" height="100%">
        <td>Cell content</td>

By doing this, we’re telling MPDF to stretch the table to the full height of the page, and then setting the table’s height to 100% to ensure it takes up the full space.

Putting it into Practice: A Real-World Example

Let’s say we’re creating a PDF report that displays a list of items, and we want the table to take up the full height of the page. Here’s an example of how we might do this using Laravel-MPDF:

use PDF;

$pdf = PDF::loadView('report');

$pdf->setPaper('a4', 'portrait');


In our `report.blade.php` view, we might have the following code:

<table valign="stretch" height="100%">
        <th>Item ID</th>
        <th>Item Name</th>
        <th>Item Price</th>
    @foreach($items as $item)

In this example, we’re using the `valign` and `height` attributes to tell MPDF to stretch the table to the full height of the page. We’re also using a `foreach` loop to iterate over our `$items` collection and display each item in the table.

Tweaking Table Layout: Advanced Techniques

While the `valign` and `height` attributes are essential for creating full-height tables, there are some additional techniques we can use to tweak the table layout to our liking.

Setting Table Cell Heights

By default, MPDF will set the height of each table cell based on its content. However, we can override this by setting the `height` attribute on individual table cells.

<table valign="stretch" height="100%">
        <td height="50">Cell content</td>

In this example, we’re setting the height of the table cell to 50 points. We can use this technique to create tables with cells of varying heights.

Using MPDF’s `page-break-inside` Attribute

When creating tables that span multiple pages, we can use the `page-break-inside` attribute to control where page breaks occur.

<table valign="stretch" height="100%" page-break-inside="auto">
        <td>Cell content</td>

In this example, we’re telling MPDF to automatically insert page breaks inside the table. We can also set `page-break-inside` to `avoid` to prevent page breaks from occurring inside the table.

Common Gotchas and Troubleshooting Tips

Even with the solution outlined above, you may still encounter some issues when working with full-height tables in MPDF. Here are some common gotchas to watch out for:

  • Table borders can affect table height: If you’re using table borders, make sure to set the `border-collapse` attribute to `collapse` to avoid adding extra height to your table.
  • Cell padding can add extra height: Be mindful of cell padding when working with full-height tables. Try setting `cellpadding` to `0` to avoid adding extra height to your table.
  • MPDF version can affect behavior: Different versions of MPDF may exhibit different behavior when it comes to table layout. Make sure to check the MPDF documentation for your specific version.

By following the techniques outlined in this article, you should be well on your way to creating full-height tables in your PDF reports using Laravel-MPDF. Remember to experiment with different attributes and techniques to achieve the desired layout for your project.


In conclusion, creating full-height tables in MPDF (Laravel-MPDF) requires a combination of the `valign` and `height` attributes, as well as a solid understanding of MPDF’s table layout features. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create tables that span the full height of your PDF pages with ease. Happy coding!

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Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Full height of table in a page using MPDF (Laravel-MPDF)” in HTML format with schema.org markup:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about achieving full height of tables in a page using MPDF (Laravel-MPDF)!

How do I set a table to full height in a page using MPDF in Laravel?

You can set a table to full height in a page using MPDF in Laravel by using the `height` attribute and setting it to `100%`. For example, `

`. This will make the table occupy the full height of the page.

What if I have a table with multiple rows and columns, how do I make it stretch to full height?

In this case, you can use the `rowspan` attribute to make the table cells stretch to full height. For example, `

`. This will ensure that the table contents are hidden if they exceed the page height.

Can I use CSS to style the table and make it full height?

Yes, you can use CSS to style the table and make it full height. For example, you can add the following CSS code: `table { height: 100vh; width: 100%; }`. This will make the table occupy the full height of the page.

Are there any specific MPDF settings I need to configure to achieve full height tables?

Yes, you need to set the `format` attribute to `A4-P` or any other paper size that you prefer, and also set the `orientation` attribute to `P` (portrait) or `L` (landscape) depending on your needs. This will ensure that the table is rendered correctly and occupies the full height of the page.

Let me know if you need me to make any changes!

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